Who are we

What is YPFDJ? 

The Young People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (YPFDJ) is a proud and passionate nationalist Eritrean Diaspora Youth organization, serving as an integral branch of the People's Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ). Established in 2005 in Germany, the YPFDJ has since experienced significant growth and expansion, reflecting its dedication to fostering unity, empowerment, and progress within the Eritrean diaspora community.

Today, YPFDJ organizations proudly operate across the globe, with active chapters in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. This extensive reach and influence highlight the organization's unwavering commitment to building and strengthening connections among young Eritreans living outside their homeland.

The YPFDJ was formed under the inspiring banner of "building a strong, conscious, and patriotic youth movement" that transcends geographical boundaries. This vision embodies the organization's mission to nurture and develop the next generation of Eritrean leaders who will uphold the core values of democracy, justice, and national pride.

Through its various initiatives, the YPFDJ seeks to engage and involve young Eritreans in the pursuit of their nation's development and prosperity. By cultivating a sense of collective identity and responsibility, the organization aims to empower the youth to become active agents of change, both within their local communities and on a global scale.

In summary, the Young People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (YPFDJ) is a vibrant and dynamic Eritrean Diaspora Youth organization that strives to foster unity, consciousness, and patriotism among young Eritreans worldwide. Since its inception in 2005, the YPFDJ has successfully expanded its presence across continents, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to empowering the next generation of Eritrean leaders.